Update: it’s been about 5 months.

After standardized test results and parent-teacher conferences DD9 started a new online math program as homework. (she otherwise never brings anything home.) I try to get her to do about 10 min a day. I’m not great at achieving this.

The program (mathletics) has instructional videos but I can also encourage her to try Kahn academy. She is 1/3 the way through 7th grade.

I also bought a workbook for her called prealgebra essential skills by fisher. I was hoping it had a lot of room to write. It is ok in that regard. Not great. But it’s also very easy conceptually. And nothing looks too hard flipping through it. Though I do think there is plenty of new concepts. She is secure on order of operations, with fractions, negatives, and fractions with exponents. Oh, and prime factorization which she’s applied to finding LCM. I think I have that right. But I think I saw new stuff in the workbook. I thought she could do it for fun over the summer.

Something I noticed: her penmanship has improved tremendously. It seems like the more secure she is about the math the better her handwriting.

She is coasting at school. She has a great math teacher this year.

The fastest possible track at her school is Algebra I in 7th. While I have no desire to push her too hard in math with her disability, I’m also thinking she will be more than ready as it is over 2 years away. But I am a little concerned.