Originally Posted by madeinuk
I have never understood the point of the training versus education debate.

As expressed by C.S. Lewis, it is not a debate, so much as raising awareness that there is a distinction between

vocational training and liberal arts education. A society may be vulnerable when vocational training stealthily supplants

liberal arts education while people remain unaware of the difference, therefore unaware of the change taking place.

If people see their children (and society in general) pursuing "education" without realizing that the content of what is being

taught has changed from a broad-based or liberal arts education to a rather narrow-focused job training... they may not

understand that these children are being prepared to function in a predetermined role in the economy, rather than

developing a knowledge of and appreciation for history, art, literature, cultures, etc, along with the penchant to

compare/contrast, evaluate, apply critical thinking skills, engage in debate, and essentially be self-determining...

self-governing citizens.