Originally Posted by Tigerle
Originally Posted by aquinas
3. DS on inventing/philosophy

DS runs up to me after running multiple circuits of the house, extending his palm as though displaying an invisible tablet and scrolling with his index finger over his palm.

DS: Hey Mama. Know what this is?

Me: Is it a time lapse slideshow of your running circuit with you on it?

DS: No, it's a device that lets me see into the afterlife.

Me: That's interesting. How did you decide to create that kind of device?

DS: Well, science can answer most questions, but nobody has any real knowledge of the afterlife. I figure it would be pretty unique to have that kind of information.

Me: It sounds like you've stumbled onto a niche area of knowledge. I'm intrigued. Do you want to tell me more about it?

DS: Well, it's in development, so I can't really comment.

Me: That's fair. Maybe I can see a prototype?

DS: We'll see. .

This should be made into a Calvin and Hobbes comic.

I should introduce him to Calvin and Hobbes. He'd probably love it.

What is to give light must endure burning.