I'm almost definitely sure that indigo is a color. A lovely deep but pure blue - like the Marianas trench on our world map.

I'm still trying Charmspeak on our public school administrators and teachers. "You a talented, dedicated professional, eager to take on the challenge that is my son's education." So far it's working a little bit. To be fair, it's because I think they actually might be talented, dedicated professionals. So I only have to Charmspeak the second half.

HK said: "To an administrator, your child is likely impersonal-- not really a PERSON, so much as an idea, or a part of an idea."

The first few times I met with the principal, I actually put a picture of DS on the table in front of us. Probably sort of annoying, and I think the principal might have been a bit offended at first. But honestly I think it helped.

HK also said: "The tails of the distribution are problematic. They cost more. Period-- and if you meet their needs, you also have the problem that other parents will want to know why you aren't doing special anything for THEM and THEIR child."

At base - this is why it's easier for administrators to serve kids on the other end of the bell curve from ours. Everybody gets the feel-good of helping a kid who needs it, and there are no Tiger parents clamoring for their kids to be classified as needing THAT sort of special ed.

I actually feel for the teachers/administrators trying to deal with this special snow flake environment where parents are so horribly competitive with each other, using their kids as weapons. Ick. You couldn't pay me enough.

And FYI - this is why I aim for sneaky, not very observable accommodations for DS: E.g., he gets regular breaks in the library, which I fully intend to transform to learning time with the math specialist, e.g. Or an opportunity to drop in to above grade level things going on, like special science or tinkering events. "No, no - that's not acceleration at all. Pay no attention, ye Tiger Parents. Nothing to see here." And oh yes, I'm busy, busy, busy supporting the library fund raising effort because I do want that librarian on my side!

Bits and pieces that help in little ways that I hope add up to a decent chance for DS.