Originally Posted by Nyaanyaa
If so, the theory is misapplied. Both positive and negative evaluation—including self-evaluation—activates the NEA.

The driver of intentional change is the ideal self (i.e., vision), so the primary focus should be on that.

A couple more papers by Boyatzis et al. for further information:
PEA–NEA theory
The ideal self as the driver of intentional change
At the risk of sounding glib--I'll add that my own children have never seemed especially receptive to any piece of the sandwich. Maybe not true for all kids, but mine would be much more likely to respond to a personal vision of who they want to be.

In the Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle books I read, growing up, this would be the "I'll do it because I want to, and not because you told me to" chapter.

It's probably more optimal, long-term (internal v. external locus of control), but soooooo vexing at times.

Thanks for links, Nyaanyaa. Looks like interesting information.