We had the discussion with the principal and teacher this week. It went well, I would say. Not AS well as I would have hoped in regards to what I was able to get done. For now, I am pulling him 2 out of the 7 math classes.

Their concern is that he his showing signs of "not understanding directions", which I know is a solid claim. When tested this summer the tester did NOT see any signs of not understanding though. I am suspecting they lose him as they start talking about adding 7+2. He is a very visual child and drifts off a lot. The teacher say he seems like an "absent minded professor".

There might be a couple of other issues going on as well. One being visual processing which we are doing therapy for right now. He scored at 4 years of age (he was 5yrs 7 mo. at the time of testing) in the visual memory part of the test. Other sections were also low. Interestingly enough his visual spatial relationship score was at almost 13 years of age.

I am working with him to try to get him to listen to instructions. Has anybody dealt with something similar to this?

I feel holding him back for this reason is not a good thing. He LOVES math but says it is the most horrible subject in school.
There are things he will have to learn since they are doing Singapore Math, but I don't feel he needs to sit through that many repetitions of the same thing.

Still, I am glad we have started the process and that they agreed that I could pull him. I said that we could take it chapter by chapter and see what he might need a bit more of. I am also going to tell her that if she notices that he gets it, to let him go. The repetition will break him.

We have had some awful behavior the past 3 weeks as well. Very similar to what happened to my older at this same age. It is to the point that it's affecting the whole family dynamic. He keeps saying he hates math and that he wants to start 2nd grade. (He is already accelerated by a year). He was furious when I told him he was being pulled 2 lessons. Screaming that it wasn't enough.

Any suggestion to how I can approach the teacher in a good way? We have a plan with the 2 days a week, but I know it won't be enough.


Last edited by 1111; 09/17/15 02:13 PM.