Labels are actually very important to provide a precise language of discussion which contributes to understanding, intervention and research. "Labels" differentiate and this can be very important because a symptom or sign can be caused by a variety of underlying problems which require different solutions. A medical example is talking about raised blood sugar. That is an imprecise description of a circumstance. It is very important to determine if the problem is being caused by islet cell failure, insulin resistance, related to medication or underlying sepsis as a few examples.
Poor handwriting can be due to a neurological problem, a vision disorder, motor disability etc. The labels are more precise ways to describe the issue at hand, there is often an attempt to relate the disability to a cause and this assists both with recognition of the fundamental issue and the interventions required to assist. An accurate diagnosis, with its label, also helps if there are known secondary issues that might be attached to a disorder which are yet to present or be recognised as they can be monitored for presentation. Ultimately it also helps in identifying different categories of disability to research more about the underlying problem.
Value judgements attached to labels are a separate issue. That is better overcome by education and exposure than denial of diagnosis.