It's hard for me to judge because my son was in a gifted program at that grade that had CRAZY insane amounts of homework for a 5th grade student. 3+ hours a night and more on weekends. He had more homework then they he does as a sophomore in H.S. And he often didn't get it all done. We did not like this, but there were parents who didn't think there was enough homework. From my perspective as long as the program in class is meeting her needs, there should not be a need to be homework except say reading. I think you should talk with the teacher about this and see what they say. School isn't a race and there is a lot else out there to spend time on than academics, if your DD is happy and learning I wouldn't obsesses that there isn't enough homework.

As for tests. In H.S. my son still doesn't really need to study for most tests. It has become a problem because he doesn't really know how to study for them when he needs them. Doesn't mean he should or could skip these classes. His point of view is that he learns the material once when doing homework/seatwork and doesn't need to do much revision because once he knows material it seems to stick with him.