Hi - I'm trying to find a therapist for my DS10. I want someone who can help him understand both his gifts (primarily verbal) and his ... quirks. His processing speed, while well into the normal range, is over 60 points lower than his verbal (WISC IV). He also has some sensory issues (sensory seeking). Plus true quirks that are just his own special things :-). So I'm looking for someone who can help him learn techniques to help him manage it all, plus listen and be there for him when he feels lonely (he's realizing that none of his peers really understand when he starts talking, and while he has good friends, many of his interests and his ideas are beyond them).

I have no idea how much the processing speed/verbal ability disparity impacts him, and would love to find out more about that myself. I have seen that its common to have the processing speed significantly lower, but haven't seen much on what the implications of that are. Anyone have ideas? I'm hoping a good therapist can explain a little of this to me (and help his [amazing, wonderful, best ever] teacher with some strategies).

Anyone know of a therapist in the Boston area who has expertise with this kind of stuff? I'm guessing I'm looking for an education psychologist of some kind - yes? If no one has a direct referral, anyone have ideas of how to start looking?

Also, does anyone have ideas of what kinds of questions I should be asking potential therapists (and what I should be prepared to answer!)?

Thanks everyone!