He went to MIT at the age of 14, and now he's changing the world
By Dr. Boyce Watkins
The Black Homeschool
July 22, 2014

Halfway through the sixth grade, the work was just too easy. So, David’s mother petitioned to have him sent directly to high school. When the school said no, she simply did what any good parent would do: Worked around the system.
1) The in-home culture created by a child’s parents is one of the most definitive factors in determining that child’s outcomes...
2) Intellect means almost nothing without persistence and development...
3) Had David’s parents not had the courage to think outside the box, their sons would have merely been smart kids doing relatively good things, and not brilliant kids doing unbelievable things...

Kudos to these students, their parents, and to the author for making their story known and inspiring others. Dr. Boyce Watkins is also author of an e-book, Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About College