Our district doesn't have GT programs at all. We are also vastly underwhelmed by the local private schools for GT kids.

My observation is that the focus of many bright and hard-working kids is not necessarily the same as ours. For example, some parents focus on how their kids do in the state-wide standardized tests, or how fast they move through the materials that the teachers assign. Some parents fight for their kid to have a spot on the school academic team or in a music program. In middle school, the advanced math students fight for space to do high school math. But these are never our concerns because these are not what my kids need.

Many kids can achieve, but at many different levels. They should all be supported but the ideal resources don't necessarily overlap. It's when there is only this bit of resource available, that people start fighting to steer ar the program toward what their kids need. It's completely understandable--everyone deserves to develop his/her potential to the fullest.