Honestly, I try to just ignore it. Hysteria is the only term for it in most instances, and frankly... having READ some of the standards, it's not the standards that I object to. I think those are long over-due and a fairly coherent and well-considered thing.

It's the curriculum publishers and the testing industry that has a lot to answer for in implementation-- well, that and stubborn local districts and teachers that have bought into the hysterical imaginings surrounding it.

No, actually, nobody's kids are being taught to be homosexual as kindergarten students. (sigh)

No, actually, they aren't being forced to read pornographic novels in middle school or anywhere else. (sigh again)

No, actually, they aren't being forced to embrace communism. (sheesh-- seriously??)

Anyway. I think that CC is probably destined to fail at this point-- because the hysteria has reached a tipping point. People don't have to be RIGHT to be loud, unfortunately.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.