I have thoroughly enjoyed reading every single post on this thread. What a great conversation.

Put me down for this: the 110-120 IQ people think differently than the 140+ people...and they will NEVER be able to understand or accept that. Ask my mother. She made my childhood miserable by refusing to accept that I was different. She still won't admit that my kids are different, or rather, that another approach to education than that which serves the masses might be more appropriate for them. She acknowledges we are "weird" just won't admit why.

FWIW I do agree that 125 is about the sweet spot for being able to tolerate people and yet achieve at a high level.

See, the problem with my mother, and many others is, that they really, truly in their hearts cannot imagine what it is like to walk a day in our shoes. They just can't understand being bombarded with stimuli and all of the possibilities. It's not that they are being obstinate or combative. They just well and truly can't fathom a person who thinks differently than they do.

That is the key limitation of having a high average IQ.

And I do agree, it would be nice if there were somewhere to go where you could really be around people who loved taking it up to the next level and thrived on finding the unexpected in what was supposed to be an everyday lesson, but there just aren't enough of us to make it worth the investment for that institution. Not only that, but create one and all of the high achievers will start finding sneaky ways to get in and dilute the program.

Thanks for letting me get that off my chest. smile