Originally Posted by binip
The fact that some high school students don't know this is lamentable, but it doesn't change the fact.

It doesn't change the fact but it makes it somewhat irrelevant. It doesn't count if people don't know about it.

That's why we need to talk about it, and make people aware, right?

Originally Posted by binip
Moreover, needs-blind is somewhat of a misnomer.
They do have a limit to those spots. They cannot give 100% of students a full ride, even if 100% of the most qualified applicants are unable to pay.

Are you proposing some huge negative correlation between aptitude and ability to pay? Just because there's a theoretical case in which the number would have to be limited doesn't mean that it's actually happened, or happens regularly.

If you have some special insight into how the schools are practicing policies that differ from those they advertise, then that's interesting, and news worthy. Short of that, I don't see how you can call it a misnomer.