I actually think a lot of kids enjoy literature. It is way more common for a young kids who read adult literature than social science. I know I read all the classics I can get my hands on as a child. I am not sure I understand everything. But I love it. Also lots of kids want to grow up to be writers.

I am not sure how many kids love social sciences. I somehow think social science as more of an adult subject. But I guess War and Peace is not exactly for kids either. We used to joke in graduate school how many of us said we wanted to grow up to be an economist. I think one of my colleagues did, but his father was a famours economist.

As far as simple economic concept goes, I think they are accessible. Particulary micro as you said. But I am not sure how much they can really get out of it either. I do think everyone should know some economics just so that they can be a competent voter, and maybe high school economics is not as bad as I always thought.

Jonah, I must say I am not a consumer of the more popular economics books. I have always liked Langsburg and Frank. But not so familiar with the others.