Originally Posted by indigo
Originally Posted by puffin
at 44 i am still socially immature.
Your posts reveal a person who is insightful, caring, level-headed, industrious, and humorous. Hopefully through helping your child, you'll heal old wounds from voices of those who did not understand. Having had negative experiences may uniquely qualify us to help our child/ren process similar things.

Originally Posted by KADmom
Ds is sensitive and outraged by others' behavior. He's a great kid with a sense of humor and a quick wit. He can hold his own with adults and older kids but completely loses his cool with friends who act badly or unfairly. So he's the one the parents make a point to keep out of the gang if there are plans to go anywhere. What a message that has given him: do what you know is right, don't cheat, exclude others, lie, hurt others physically but tolerate it when it's done to you by most of your "friends."
This may be the gifted characteristic of moral sensitivity described in this link to a SENG article:
" Starting from an early age, many gifted children show evidence of moral sensitivity. These children tend to care about others, want to relieve pain and suffering or show advanced ability to think about such abstract ideas as justice and fairness. "
It is walking a fine to affirm their moral sensitivity while tempering that with the grace to let some things go, move on, find what one has in common with another.,,

Nicely said. Helpful article, too.

Last edited by KADmom; 10/19/13 07:29 AM.