This is another area where I have had quite a bit of experience. My kids attended pre-school part time. I started out with the belief that academic instruction was absolutely inappropriate for toddlers and pre-school aged children. Now, I believe it is very appropriate for gifted children WHO DEMONSTRATE A DESIRE to learn academics!

This might be accomplished with a flexible play based pre-school. In fact, if they are willing to let him work on academics during flex time that might be your best option.

Beware of pre-schools out there that cater to the egos of the parents rather then the needs of the children. I would run as fast as I could away from any (pre-school) program that has any type of �preparatory� feel to it! My children, then just four and two, attended one for approximately 6 weeks when we first relocated to this area. I overheard an MD (pediatrician no less) lament to the teacher every morning that his four year old just refused to �buckle down� to do his homework each night. I could go on and on�

Be a very critical consumer and be willing to change schools. Ask if there is a trial period before the contract terms are held.