Originally Posted by HowlerKarma
Gifted students, by and large, do NOT respond well to "Tiger" parenting/teaching methods.

They are likely to become either:

a) damaged emotionally as the stimulus increases in intensity (because the subject hasn't yet responded "appropriately" with increased performance or compliance),

b) profoundly oppositional.

Treating cheetahs like border collies is BAD, bad news. It's probably not really good for either group (because only the most extraordinary of the border collies can run anything like a cheetah), but it's completely toxic to the former.

They can't respond the way that they are "supposed" to, anymore than an autistic child can respond "normally" to an undifferentiated setting.


Yep. Although actually my older tested son can be worked with ds4 becomes extremely unco-operative the minute he suspects you are trying to teach him. He will learn things in his own way in his own time thank you very much. His own way seems to be to refuse to try then suddenly be able to do it.