Not sure if this one has been posted yet but...

You know you parenting a gifted child when ... your child rotuinely gets in trouble for working ahead and above grade level.

Today's conversation:
Friend/Aquaintance: "Hi, how is DS doing in school?"
Me: "Okay, I guess."
Friend: "Getting calls from the teacher?"
Me: "Yes."
Friend: "What's he doing?"
Me: "Well, he keeps getting in trouble for reading books above his designated level and working ahead in math. it was the same thing last year."
Friend, looking perplexed: "I don't understand? Wouldn't that be the model student?"
ME: "I guess not because he gets his "good tickets" taken away for it and I keep getting phone calls about it."
Friend: "That's so strange!"
Me: "Yes. Yes it is."

Last edited by Irena; 10/04/13 11:06 AM.