^ yes.

Just, all of that. LOL.

...when she corrects typos on math worksheets. Or asks if she should put the correct answer or the answer the worksheet is wanting. And yes there is a difference.

...or she asks you how the best way to correct her teacher would be. Because she doesn't want to get in trouble but the teacher is wrong and your student has proof.

DD started tearfully asking me things like this when she was about 7yo...

and I'm still trying, almost eight years later, to explain to the school why it is unacceptable to me that my daughter earns a "c" on a quiz because she understands the material TOO WELL.


When your 14yo is happier working in a college research lab than she has ever been in her life. Well, except for the Christmas when her grandfather got her a Samantha doll when she was four.

When your 6yo refuses to cooperate with standardized testing unless she can "read the directions myself" because anything else is "patronizing and downright insulting."

When your 9yo spends the afternoon at the local science museum cheerfully "helping" adults who can't figure out the math puzzles.

When your 14yo is elated that the academic paper she's an author on has been accepted for review... and flips back to the window where she is skyping with her a friend in some kind of pretend-play game.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.