I think I have agreed with everything said on this thread, both truths and myths!

Not all gifted are alike! What you might think looks like gifted, may not be, and what you think looks like ADHD/ADD, OCD, ODD, ASD, etc. may actually be gifted.

Gifted children need and deserve to have their needs met in school, just the same as a child that is struggling at the other end of the bell curve. It shouldn't be completely up to the parents, and parents shouldn't be forced to homeschool to accomplish this either. (not saying everyone that homeschools is forced to do so - just wanted to clarify)

"No Child Left Behind" should have included stronger wording for gifted children. It should have explained no gifted child should be left behind to wallow in the mire.

Last edited by 1frugalmom; 09/04/13 02:55 PM. Reason: clarification