DS6 was a challenging baby until about 5 months. He cried and had this annoyed, focused look on his face until he turned the corner. We chalked it up to colic though he was exclusively breastfed. At 5-6 months, he started this unusual "propeller" crawl where his left leg was dominant. It was pretty fast in retrospect but different... we dressed him as Yoda that Halloween as his crawl had the same "hobble."

Walked at late 10 months. Don't remember his specific first words- he knew how to ask for "baa" and certainly made his needs clear. Refused solids until 9M when he started eating Chipotle guacamole...good taste I guess. lol! A Christmas letter records his first 3 word sentence at 18M, "brother hit me."

He was quiet for the next few years until he asked to be taught how to read (just about 4 years old). He took off from there... learning just about anything anyone would take the time to teach him. His older brother took early cello lessons so we tried with his teacher at late 3. He was too shy. At 4, he engaged and took off... quickly reaching and passing his older brother.