Hello all. This is my first time posting. You all seem very knowledgeable and supportive. I�ve recently received my son�s WISCIV scores and am trying to determine what they mean from a practical standpoint. He is in 2nd grade and constantly complains about how boring school is, how he doesn�t learn anything, all he does is learn things he already knows. I�ve read in �Parenting Gifted Kids� that Children w/ 130-140 IQ range can often be accommodated in regular classrooms where teachers adjust the curriculum and social and emotional difficulties are uncommon. Children with IQ�s in the 140-160 range can seldom be accommodated sufficiently in an educational environment that merely stretches or enriches the curriculum. Too, agemates may offer little sustenance as these kids prefer adults.

I think my son is somewhere in the middle of these two ranges. He does not have social issues with kids his own age. He�s a very easy going fellow. The teacher says he is advanced in most areas. Have you found the above classification to be accurate generally? I realize that so much of this boils down to personality and you absolutely can't just look at numbers but I would also like to have some scale such as the above to share w/ the teacher. Do you feel comfortable using GAI over FSIQ in referring to the information above? I will schedule WJIII testing soon. I think those scores will be more helpful in advocating for DS at school.

Thank you!