Right - My dad and step-mother both believe that children live up to their expectations. I don't recall ever being 'babied' or coddled. Quite the opposite... I think it probably could be called neglect these days - by 1st grade I was a latch key kid and was expected to walk home, do my homework, pick up the house then I could go play. When my dad got home from work, I was off playing at a friends. I was expected in when the street lights turned on for dinner.

Wrong - I think I ended up going to 10 different schools by the time I graduated high school.. and most of that moving happened in K-5th. I recall being in a few G&T programs, but mostly I was always trying to figure out how each new school worked, and what was expected, and what they were studying.

ETA: Another 'Right' - the public library. We went ALL THE TIME. And were encouraged to check out whatever we wanted. (I read Clan of the Cave Bear when I was like 12, lol. I'm not 100% sure if that's a good thing or not!)

Last edited by epoh; 04/18/12 06:38 AM.
