When someone says something about my DD being smart we usually just reply with "We think so" and smile with the tone of yeah, she's our kid and we love her and we think anything she does is great. I never try to downplay her intelligence, but I am also careful in what I say, especially to someone we know.

I learned how careful I needed to be in her play group when she was under a year. The other parents would talk about the cute, funny thing their kid did or what milestone they had just met. I would do the same, but got dirty looks or ignored, no one enjoyed hearing about my kid. It really hurt my feelings and I was never invited to the other activities they would do. Then I realized that she was doing a lot of things at the same time as the others, but she was 3 months younger. I honestly wasn't trying to brag, I just didn't see the big deal at first. Oops. I still blame it on that fuzzy new mom brain.
