Makes a lot more sense thank you for being specific. I am a bit thick headed. I have tried this type of thing. The reason fir my dd to stay in ther class she was in was that she was getting some questions wrong once I. A while. This was before she was identified. I told her that i knew that dd has mastered those math concepts and believed that she was making mistakes because she wasn't reading the directions because she was used to being under challenged. She also informed me that she needed to make sure that her students do well on the ct state test. I told her I wasn't happy about all the concern about the test. She said that even though I didn't like it, it was the case. So I let it go. Later in the conversation I felt i had to remind her that my dd was in fact advanced and that she got only one wrong in the whole math section of the state test. She accused me of only using the test results to serve my purpose but ignoring the test when it serves her purpose. So, I dropped it.

The meeting was with the math and LA teacher - who let everyone know that even though dd was very smart she needed to learn to not skip steps for later in life when she takes higher level math like - like - ummmm. She couldn't name a level of higher math. Math teacher chimed in. ALGEBRA! Dd does not skip steps. The problem is that she doesn't even use steps. She somehow visualizes what happens somehow. Because she understand the concept so well she completely ignores the shortcut processes and figures them out inherent head. So, sometimes she makes a mistake. But it is not because she doesn't understand the concept. It is because the numbers given were not ment to do in your head and she did it that way anyway. It's actually amazing she gets most of them right! Anyway. I told her to stop making mistakes and she did. For over two months, she fit a perfect score on everything she toutched. All hundreds!

Anyway. I got way off track. I'm trying to illustrate that it doent seem like one of her teachers really thinks about anything before she says it! So, for the meeting with the vp, with advice I got on this forum, I brought dh. I told him his job was to ask WHY! I have such a hard time asking why. I can't figure it out. I just am scared to make them look bad I guess and I know there is no good reason and I don't like to embarass people.

So, I do agree with going as far as you can go with the teachers. I did go as far as I could with the math teacher. I did not cc her on the emails to the vp. Maybe I should have. I did go over her head but I was asking for fifth grade placement and her teacher had nothing to do with that.

I think I understand what you mean by including the teacher in the planning with principal. That way specific road blocks are addressed and reasons are documented and vp has something to work with and start from. Yes. I feel like all I do is complain and nothing happens. I think it is because I have no ideas. I just want them to do there job. I want them to appreciate her and help her thrive. There are so many stupid things to ask about. This SS project being the latest. I can't possibly keep up with all the stupid things that happen on a day to day basis. Today - she came home sooo thirst because at lunch it is a huge pain and waste if precious eating time to raise you hand to get a drink. Then she got hit in the head with a football. Noone cared. I know, not the teachers' fault. But sometimes all these small thing get ridiculous!

So I am supposed to email or contact the teachers tomorrow with my issues. Dd says Both teachers will be out tomorrow. I guess it is obvious that I want her to be working out of the fifth grade math book for the rest of the year and I want her to have fifth grade homework.

I do t know what to ask the LA teacher. Just to think and allow my kid some room to learn. So sorry about the rant and thank u so much fo the advice. My thumbs are very tired!