
A tangential point � you wrote:
>The most important thing to me is not that he is ready for calculus by age 10 (although that will probably happen)�

I feel like I am inviting an angry response if I ever mention that I think bright kids can learn calculus around ages ten to twelve.

Can I impose on you to fill us in on how you are handling math and how you plan to deal with calculus when your son gets there (if you�ve already posted this, a link please)? Are you acquainted with W. W. Sawyer�s �What Is Calculus About?�? I myself found that very useful to get the basic ideas (I think I read it when I was fourteen), but you cannot really learn calculus from it.

Even though I�m very good at math and, as a physicist, know a lot of advanced math, I find math one of the most challenging things to teach in terms of engaging the kids.

All the best,
