I'm not sure this is the right forum for this post, but I thought I'd start here. My 6.5 year old son took the wppsi-iii almost two years ago and scored 146 overall - which seems to mean profoundly gifted. I say "seems to" because he doesn't seem to want to learn anything! Well, not anything -i guess i mean anything academic. He has always been advanced, but right now he is "middle of the road" (per his teacher) at reading, writing, and math. I keep reading these posts about underacheiving kids at school, but they are way ahead at home - but mine is not like that! He just doesn't want to put effort into anything. It's clear that he is capable - we taught him multiplication one afternoon while he was doing flips on the bed - but he doesn't want to read more than the standard reading given out at school. He isn't 2e that we can tell and doesn't have learning disabilities. Aside from having all the characteristics of being gifted, we are wondering if his test scores were grossly wrong. He's pg, but doesn't display any of the academic interest that seems so common with other kids. We are meeting with Linda Silverman at the Gifted Development Center to get her recommendations, but if any one else has dealt with this before, I would love to hear your experiences! We joke (my hub and I alone) about "can you have a brilliant iq and not really be smart?!"
He is also highly psychomotor OE - so if you have any recommendations on tiring him out, please tell me! He has karate 2xwk, gymnastics 1x, swimming1x, and Spanish2xwk, for extra curricular activities. Oh ya and ice skating 1xwk. In addition to a full day at school. He still comes home and runs around during dinner and spends a half hour flipping on the bed before we can even get him to settle down a little.
All ideas and comments welcome!