At 9 months dd5.5 was able to say 'up', followed closely by all sorts of stuff like 'gorilla' and 'woof' because I guess she thought she was a dog. Around 11 months she shouted "I need water!" and has been trying to run the house since then.
She walked at 12 months and 3 days or thereabouts.
She has always stood out as extremely articulate and very well coordinated for her age. aka 'a handful'.

Ds10 was slow to be particularly well understood by others, some hearing issue from earaches, possibly. His large motor coordination has always lagged a bit from other kids his age, although he walked around 13 months, which is pretty normal.
He is tested gt for language arts; his fine motor control has always been really amazing, drawing, origami and other visual art/spatial things come extremely easily for him.

Last edited by chris1234; 10/26/11 10:09 AM.