DD9 is the ultimate end-of-the-driveway salesperson. Each weekend, she and her friends set up a different stand: lemonade, orange juice, car washes, etc. The sign and stand go up first, and then they come running in the house in a panic looking for supplies when the customers start. (Organization is a work in progress around here). The item of today was ice cream sundaes (we, of course, have no ice cream in our house... a minor detail). They came in with their sign of menu toppings, looking for tape. I glanced at it and nearly aspirated my coffee. God love her, really, I know she struggles with writing and we are in the process of investigating for stealth dyslexia, but there was no way I could let her put up a sign offering chocolate sperm sundaes!!! (I think she meant supreme?)

Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it. — L.M. Montgomery