Cute stuff, hip. I'm showing that to DS5 today.

DS5 talked early and with a huge vocabulary, complex sentence structure, etc. I don't remember when he walked, though my wife would surely know.

DS1.9 doesn't show any inclination to speak yet, but he's apparently ahead on his problem-solving abilities, according to a developmental-delay screening we had done recently. His receptive language is apparently advanced as well. My wife reports that as the assessers left, they told her it was a pleasure to evaluate an advanced child, almost in the same breath as they told her he was approved for speech therapy.

Now I'm a bit conflicted as to whether we should just leave well enough alone, especially because I was speech-delayed but turned out all right. Still, it's hard to turn down the free services. I want to have conversations with him! Plus, I'm still worried, just a little less worried.

Striving to increase my rate of flow, and fight forum gloopiness. sick