Hello, I've been reading this forum now for a few weeks. I find the discussions very informative and soooo interesting! I was wondering if anyone could help with GAI info?

My DS10 took the WISC-IV when he was in second grade, as part of a school evaluation because of behavioral issues at school (I would like to discuss these issues also on a future post). He is now in 4th grade at a Montessori school. He is doing better but still recovering from his earlier school experiences and his intensities( more on this later also). What I was wondering is if any one would know how to estimate his GAI from his four indices. I do not have the actual subtest scores. I did ask for further info after the test but did not receive a response. We already have left the school by that time. However, I think I will be contacting the school again to see if the subtest scores are avaiable.

VCI 140

PRI 133

WMI 102

PSI 94

Thanks for any info
