Originally Posted by jmiller
He has over come so much I simply wont ask him to take something just to improve a test score
I don't want to give the impression that he might need to take medication to get a better test score. I was trying to paint the picture that the tests aren't perfect, and that sometimes we have to bend a bit to help the test paint an accurate picture of what our skills are. In a way, this isn't too different from a child who loves to make puns, and gets a poor test scores because he answered all his answers in puns. Yes, that child's love of puns is part of that child's specialness and brillience, but yes, having an IQ test that accurately reflects that child's IQ would be very helpful in finding a better fit school situation. It might be worth it to ask the child to 'cut out the puns' for a few hours. The child might or might not do so - either because of lack of motivation, or the child just might not be able to stop himself.

It sound like trying a new setting is a great idea! Best Wishes, and please keep us posted.

Love and More Love,

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