I cannot remember exactly when, without looking at the notes but DH was first struck at DD's sense of humor at a few months.

She walked a day after she turned 11 months. When DD started something she just did it and continued. I don't remember early talking but by 18 months, she was articulate and using 3 word sentences and knew 50 different animals -- we were going to the zoo a lot.

And I remember going to a mom's group when she was 4 months and when I positioned myself on the floor with my baby on a blanket in front of me, she looked around and then rolled across the floor to another baby to check him out. Even the group leader was surprised that she would leave me to check another baby out in a strange place.

The most striking and at the time annoying, was that by 2 months she had to look at the world. Couldn't put her in the baby borne with her looking in. And also --- you know how you put the baby seat in the stroller, till they outgrow the baby seat and then you have the stroller?---, she was looking at me, not the world. Unacceptable. I remember trying to shop for some groceries and I had to roll her on her belly so her face was then looking forward and hold her with my hand, because I couldn't strap her in and pull the stupid stroller like that while I tried to stop. If she wasn't looking at the world, she would just scream. Looking at the world, she just stoppped.
